Starting up your own cleaning business

Thinking of starting a cleaning business because it seems to be a lucrative business nowadays especially when clients usually engages you for long-term projects? Commercial Cleaning Singapore business has a wide range of market from industrial to commercial and to business. However, it is never good to start up a business while focusing on all 3 markets.


So how do you start up your own Office Cleaner Agency Singapore when there are so many competitors in the market?

  • Keep an eye on the economy. Check which market has the most demand. Even though economy changes all the time and there’s no fixed market that have the most demand, it would be good to start out your business when there are high demands. The purpose of this would be to secure a few small contracts and start building up your reputation from there.


  • One of the main reasons for so many successful Corporate Cleaning Services out there is due to their smart plays in setting prices. One major mistake that most companies made are that they tried to undercut their price so that it will be lower than their competitors in order to secure a contract. However, such methods are not effective for Office Cleaning Services Singapore as most clients look out for quality than for the price. Besides, even if you manage to secure the contract, the profit is usually so low that it is hard for you to operate a company.


  • Background checks on the employees. For all the employees, you should conduct a background check on them to see if they have a clean record. You do not wish your employees to be accused as a thief when they are left alone with your client’s. Besides, it is a bonus point if your potential clients’ know that you’ve conducted background checks for them as they will feel more at ease about the security of the company.


  • Invest in customer services. After securing a contract, it does not mean that you should relax and let your employees do all the work. This is a great opportunity to build a strong relationship with your clients and improve your reputation. It would be great if you can follow up consistently to see what your clients need and how you can improve your services.


However, all these are not possible if your pricing for Office Cleaning Company Singapore  are not attractive enough. To start off, you should start from researching your cleaning services competitors’ pricing. Find out why they so successful or why they failed in their marketing plan. The result usually lies at their pricing. One should not undercut their servicing price for Best Office Cleaning Services Singapore so that it will be lower than your competitors in hope to secure a job offer. It is better to set your pricing at the market rate and gain testimonials from your clients. Once your Commercial Cleaning Services Singapore company starts having better reputation and net worth, you can then increase the pricing of your cleaning services.

While there are many other things to take note of when starting up a business of your own, these are the 4 main points that you should follow especially when doing cleaning businesses. Effective research on the industry you plan to expand your business to can help you to understand and improve on your services so that your company is in a better position as compared to your competitors.